Three Core Purposes

To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

To hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.

To organise and make sure it’s money is well spent.

The constitution of our Governing Body is as follows:

  • 5 Foundation Governors

  • 2 Parent Governors

  • 1 Head Teacher

  • 1 Staff Governor

    The term of office for all category of governors (with the exception of Ex-Officio appointments) is four years.


Current Serving Governors

Chair of Governors:

Mrs Mary Page - 27th March 2023.

E-mail address:

Vice Chair of Governors:

Mrs Gabrielle Murray - 21st September 2023

Staff Governor:

Mrs Gabrielle Murray, 18.09.2022 - 17.09.2025

Headteacher / Ex-Officio:

Mrs Lucy Bone, 01.09.2022 to date

Foundation Governors: 

Mrs Anne Corin, 18.09.2014 - 17.09.2024 Mrs Janet Hutton, 04.01.2017 - 03.01-2025
Mrs Margaret Woodcock, 25.09.2019 - 24.09.2024
Mr Brendan Drury, 07.09.2021 - 07.09.2025

Parent Governors:

Mr Kishore Kunal - 01.04.2023 - 01.04.2027

Mrs Emily Tiplady - 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2028

All terms of office are four years, excepting ex-officio

Parish Priest and Advisor:

Father Ajish Kumpukkal,

governor attendance 2023 - 2024

Governor Categories:

Foundation Governors - appointed by the Diocese

Staff Governors - appointed by staff

Parent Governors - appointed by parents

Governors leaving within the last 12 months:

Tristan Hargreaves

Caroline Tetchner

Father Bernard Partington

If are interested in joining the board of Governors, please contact us.


Consistent Financial Reporting

The school’s annual income and expenditure can be viewed on the Department for Education’s Consistent Financial Reporting webpage here